Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Step by Step Tutorial for Running your tests on Real Andriod Devices using Selendriod.

Selendroid is a test automation framework for Android native and hybrid applications (apps) and the mobile web. Tests are written using the Selenium 2 client API - that's it!
Before we start let’s have a look at prerequisite. Here is a list of software that needs to be downloaded.
·         Andriod SDK
·         Java SDK (1.6 or higher)
·         Mobile Application APK
·         Mobile Device with its USB Driver
·         Selendroid jar file

Let us now divide the process for setting up Selendriod on Windows into 4 steps mentioned below.
1.      Andriod SDK and Environmental variables setup
2.      Andriod mobile device setup
3.      Selendroid Configuration setup
4.      Mobile Test Scripting

1.     Andriod SDK and Environmental variables setup

If you do not have Andriod SDK on your machine please download it from the link http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html?hl=sk . A zip file will be downloaded. Unzip the file on your local machine. You will find a folder named sdk, and in sdk folder you will find various folder along with folders name as  ” tools” and “platform tools”. Make a note of the paths for  these 3 folders namely sdk, tools and platform tools.
            We need to configure the environment variable for Android. To set up environment variable for Android in windows follow the steps below.
·         Go to control panel -> System -> Advance system settings -> Environment variables
·         Click on New button under user variable .
·         On the dialogue box, enter variable name as “ANDRIOD_HOME” and variable value as “the path for sdk folder” and save.
·         Under system variables edit path variable, put a semicolon at the end, paste the path for ” tools” folder under sdk , put a semicolon at the end and  paste the path for        ” platform tools” folder under sdk , put a semicolon at the end and save it.
We are now done with configuring the environment variable for Android.

2.     Mobile Device setup

Enable Developer option in mobile device. To enable follow the below steps.
·         Go to Settings in your mobile device
·         Select Developer options
·         Check “Stay awake” checkbox.
·         Also check “USB debugging” check box and click on OK button.
Once Developer option is enabled in mobile connect the mobile device to the computer. To make sure the device is recognized, go to command prompt. Type the command as “adb devices” and hit enter. The mobile device id will be displayed. If not , then the device is not recognized.
            Also make sure JAVA_HOME is set on the machine, if not we also need to configure the environment variable for Java. To set up environment variable for Java in windows follow the steps below.
·         Go to control panel -> System -> Advance system settings -> Environment variables
·         Click on New button under user variable.
·         On the dialogue box, enter variable name as “JAVA_HOME” and variable value as “the path for java jdk folder” and save.
·         Under system variables edit path variable, put a semicolon at the end (if not), paste the path for java jdk folder and append “\bin” to it and save.

3.     Selendroid Configuration setup

Download the selendriod jar files from the link http://selendroid.io/ . In order to use selendriod, selendriod server needs to be started. Follow the below steps to start the server.
·         Place the apk file to be tested in folder where selendroid jar file is located.
·         Go to Command prompt
·         Navigate to the folder where selendroid jar file is located
·         Type the command as “java –jar (name of the selendriod jar file) –app (name of the apk file)” hit enter.
Selendriod will start on the default port 4444.
The set up part ends here for selendriod. We can start writing test cases using Selenium 2 client API.

4.     Mobile Test Scripting

Open eclipse and configure selenium jars in the project. Add test cases to the project. Here is a sample code.
SelendroidCapabilities caps = new SelendroidCapabilities("io.selendroid.testapp:0.9.0");
WebDriver driver = new SelendroidDriver(caps);
WebElement inputField = driver.findElement(By.id("my_text_field"));
Assert.assertEquals("true", inputField.getAttribute("enabled"));
Assert.assertEquals("Selendroid", inputField.getText());

Inspecting elements is done using Selendriod Inspector, which comes with Selendriod. You can find it When you have started selendroid-standalone and you have started a test session at  http://localhost:4444/inspector

For displaying the html source code of a web view please follow these steps:
·         Select in the UI hierarchy the webview you want to inspect and press the ctrl key (this keeps the selection of the element).
·         select the tab Html Source
Selendroid Inspector has a simple build in test case recorder that tries to identify the element that is clicked (on the screenshot) and saves the locator and click command into the Java tab.
For more visit http://selendroid.io/