Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Interview Questions

Few Interview Questions For Selenium WebDriver With JAVA

-What class should be extended to use Serialization?
-What is list and set?
-what is hash table?
-what is iterator?
-Tell me about binary search?
-Tell me about buble sort?
-What is Selenium IDE
-How can we do Iphone and Android app testing in selenium
-What technical issues did you face in selenium 
-What is Selenium RC and WebDriver. What is the difference in them (2)
-How many ways can can start the selenium server (1)
-How will you convert integer to String and String to integer in Java (1)
-What do you mean by Object oriented programming. How is it used in selenium? (1)
-how do you download and install selenium? (1)
-Where do you write selenium code if you implement in java (1)
-What all languages are supported by selenium (1) 
-What is Murex testing? Do we use Selenium to test Murex? (3) 
-How to Integrate Jenkins Hudson integration with selenium for running the scripts in schdule time? (6)
-How to compare Text (not Html strings ) (2)
-How to open csv file (1)
-How to run webdriver scripts with different browsers 
-How to do web service testing using selenium webdriver. 
-How to identify webElement on web Page 
-How to draw an annotation(s) on map using selenium webdriver?
-how to handle list(selecting more than one item) in Rc and Webdriver 
-how to handle filedownload in ie and chrome
-How to handle silver light objects 
-How to handles Popups! 

-Interview Ques: How to extract data from webtable or weblist, store it in a file and sort the file

-Is there Assert.assertNotEquals() in webdriver ?

-Can we schedule the execution of test cases 
-Do you any automation tool for desktop application testing? 
-How to verify if the webElement is present or not on the webpage..??
-what are reflection api and how are they used in selenium ?
-How to schedule selenium suite using RC and WebDriver 
-How to create a new file using Java 
-How do you run your automated tests on Mutliple browsers
-How to handle certification error
-How would you deal with Ajax issues?
-What is most difficult challenge you have faced in automating a web application
-How to execute selenium webdriver tests after completion and deployment of build thru Jenkins?
-Give two examples of functionality that cannot be properly tested with automated testing software?
--List the advantage/disadvantages: Selenium WebDriver Vs QTP
-What is inheritance in Java? How is it applied in Selenium? 
-What are the drawbacks of Webdriver? 
-Give me 5 points about what is the use of Framework (jUnit or TestNg) 
-What is the difference between verify and Assert? 
-How to run the test script in selenium on specific time?
-What to do at very first if you want to start a Selenium automation tool in your project?
-How do we keep expected result in the Seleniumj automation script?
-What is the use of Class HtmlUnitDriver and when we have to use the Class HtmlUnitDriver 
-can we handle windows popup using selenium?
-There are 3 fields like House Number, Mobile Number and email address. How will you validate fields

-What is the difference between client-server application and web application?
-How can you test application in multiple browsers in selenium when making the framework 
-How will you run 1000 test cases and generate reports
-What are user extensions
-What is difference between QTP and selenium
-What is the architecture of selenium WebDriver